Let’s Raise Educator Pay; Take Action on SB1215; Hearing Tomorrow
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023
Good afternoon,
A VEA Priority Bill to raise educator pay, SB 1215, has been docketed for the full Senate Education and Health Committee tomorrow morning. The bill would require the Commonwealth to compensate its public school teachers at a rate that is competitive, defined in current law as at or above the national average teacher salary, in order to attract and keep highly qualified teachers.
The meeting will take place in Senate Committee Room A in the Pocahontas Building (900 E Main Street) at 8:00 a.m. Join us in person or virtually.
Members can sign up to speak in person or sign up to speak virtually.
Here is a factsheet/talking points on Competitive Compensation to help with your testimony or written comments.
Thank you for your tireless advocacy on behalf of students, staff, and our schools.
In Unity,
Shane Riddle, Director of Government Relations
Virginia Education Association
The average pay of Virginia public school teachers in 2023-24 was $65,830. That is $4,260 below the national average of $70,090.
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