Teaching & Learning Today: September 2023
September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023
Happy FALL from the Teaching & Learning team at VEA! We hope your school year is off to a great start and will prove to be one of your best. Know that we continue to work behind the scenes to support your ongoing learning and development as a professional and as a union member. Because we want to hear from you about how we can meet your needs, we will be showing up at member meetings around the state to gather input to inform our continued development of offerings. If you facilitate a meeting in your local and would welcome us to join you, please contact Melinda Bright, Director of Teaching & Learning, mbright@veanea.org or 805-775-8331. We look forward to hearing from you!
Southwest VA (New College Institute, Martinsville)
Central VA (Richard Bland College, Petersburg)
Northern VA (Gayle Middle School, Stafford County)
Tidewater VA (Virginia Wesleyan University, Virginia Beach)
To learn more about National Board Certification, visit our website or go to www.nbpts.org.
From our friends at Harvard Graduate School of Education, they share the article,
Project-Based Learning is Great, But Students Still Need to Learn Something
The work of the Department of Teaching and Learning extends out of headquarters and works directly with members. This month, we will be featuring one of our student member partners:
Name: Delaney Spiker
Local: Randolph-Macon College
Role(s) that you have completed with VEA:
SVEA Aspiring Educator
SVEA Aspiring Educator State President
# of years in education: Current Aspiring Educator
# of years in VEA: 3
If you could give 1 piece of advice to someone in education, what would it be?
Find your people–the ones who you can rely on, rant to, get guidance from, and even those whom you can lead yourself. Education, even early on, can feel like it is you against the world, but that is not the case with the right people surrounding you. When times get rough find a mentor and if there is no one around… become that mentor.
How has being a union member helped you?
Through SVEA on both the local and state level I have been connected with peers and mentors who share my passion for education and educational progress. Those who come to the conferences and conventions and lend their experience, stories, and support are the much-needed comfort for aspiring educators like myself who are faced with negativity on every front. Even when entering education feels like preparing for battle, I know my union brothers and sisters will support me along the way.
According to a American Library Association survey, 67% of voters oppose banning books from school libraries?
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