A New 3 R’s for the COVID-19 Era?
October 7, 2020
October 7, 2020
As most of Virginia’s students and educators adjust to school in a new, virtual environment, stress levels for both groups are running high. You can play an important role in building your students’ ability to not only cope, but flourish in a changed world, says Pamela Cantor, MD, founder and senior science advisor at Turnaround for Children (turnaroundusa.org), which uses brain science and development research to help educators and caregivers.
Cantor calls the current situation for young people the “COVID-19 paradox,” noting that to stay safe, we must keep our distance from each other, which endangers the connections that ordinarily help us feel safe.
Educators can help their students, she says, by refocusing the 3 R’s into relationships, routines, and resilience. Here are some tips for doing that:
Keeping these 3 R’s in mind, says Cantor, can help us “inoculate” ourselves and our students against the stress and uncertainty of the COVID-dominated world we’re living in.
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