Teaching & Learning Today: January 2025
January 21, 2025
January 21, 2025
Here’s hoping that 2025 finds you well, warm, and safe. Many have experienced challenges with the weather and some with water supply since the beginning of this new year. Spring will come again! Meanwhile, Teaching & Learning is here for you. Reach out to any member of our team if we can be of assistance.
Melinda Bright, Director, mbright@veanea.org
Dr. Amber Brown, Specialist, abrown@veanea.org
Isabel Sullivan, Professional Learning/Grant Coordinator, isullivan@veanea.org
Donna Hamilton, Program Assistant, dhamilton@veanea.org
State Stipends for NBCTs
The state board of education voted in December to go ahead with distributing awards to classroom teachers (who’ve always been eligible) as soon as possible, and to come back at its February meeting to determine how to allocate remaining funding to newly-eligible school staff. Rest assured that VEA’s government relations team will be diligently advocating for the additional funding required for the program during the upcoming legislative session so award amounts are not reduced for any eligible school staff.
NBCT Legislation
VEA will initiate legislation and budget items to scale the initial and continuing state supplement for National Board Certification Incentive Awards and cover fees for educators seeking certification to encourage high-quality professional development.
If you would like to know how to support this bill, contact Melinda Bright, mbright@veanea.org.
To learn more about National Board Certification, visit our website or go to www.nbpts.org.
Career Switchers
Teaching and Learning received 29 responses to the survey conducted recently to assess needs of this group of members. 19 locals were represented in the responses, and 24 were from classroom teachers. While a variety of experiences were shared, some common requests included training on classroom management, improved mentor programs, and better guidance during the process to full licensure. TL is here to help!
This month, we are highlighting a stack of micro credentials available at veanea.org or click here. Please review the options available and indicate your interest to participate in a small group learning journey at this link. Each micro credential takes approximately 15 hours to complete, and a certificate is provided which may be approved for re-licensure points.
Contact Melinda Bright with questions – mbright@veanea.org.
The work of the Department of Teaching and Learning extends out of headquarters and works directly with members. This month, we will be featuring one of our member partners:
Name: Amy Brown
Local: VEA Retired (formerly York EA)
Role(s) that you have completed with VEA: SVEA Local Board Member (CNU), YEA member, VEA Professional Practice & Policy Teaching Fellow, IPD Committee Co-Chair
# of years in education: 26
# of years in VEA: 28
How has being a union member helped you?
The union has always been a source of educational resources and information for me, but it’s only through active engagement and taking on leadership roles that I have really come to appreciate all the union has to offer. My Teaching Fellow experience was transformational, and empowerment drawn from my union relationships and experiences have renewed my belief and confidence in the power of my voice to affect change.
If you could give 1 piece of advice to someone in education, what would it be?
Strive to find a balance between work and personal life. We care so much about our students and access to quality education. While working to serve our students and community, we must also give ourselves permission to prioritize, our own families and well-being. It took me many years to understand the importance of this and be intentional in my efforts.
According to a poll conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University, 66% of Virginians say public schools do not have enough funding to meet their needs.
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